TRAK by RetireReady Solutions

Watch this short introductory video to see why TRAK is the most powerful retirement planning software for state and federal public employees.

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The TRAK software is the most powerful planning software with every state and federal pension plan built in. 

Simple drop-down menus enable your advisor to select your plan and review your options. 

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Every annuity option is built-in with a thorough explanation of each.

Your advisor will talk you through your options and help you chose the best option for you based on your overall retirement objectives.

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With TRAK, your advisor can easily add in your other retirement accounts, other known income, lump-sum payouts and annuities.

They can customize your plan with individual assumptions on investment returns on each source of income. 

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No two retirement plans are the same.  Your vision of your retirement is unique to you. 

Your advisor can make simple assumptions of the percent of salary replacement after retirement or build a completely custom model based on your vision of retirement.  Do you want to travel the world the first five years?  They can handle that!


Your pension plan may have several annuity options.  You and your advisor can compare several options side by side to see the impact.

Your printed report will give you all your options and how they impact your pension payments.

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Once your data is in the system, you and your advisor can look at retiring at different ages. 

You can determine if you can retire early or look at the impact on your income by working additional years.

The system is fully flexible to ask unlimited “what if” questions.

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Your final report will have simple-to-read charts and graphs that bring it all together.  This is where you will learn the outcome of all the data your advisor has entered for you.  If there is a shortfall, your advisor will help you develop strategies to reduce or eliminate it.

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Don’t put it off another day!  Work with an advisor and get a comprehensive, customized, and optimized plan completed.